Candidates - How we can help you...
While we can't help everyone, if you are experienced and successful in one of our targeted areas of specialization we want to know about you...
We can provide access to a vast (and growing) network of organizations that we work with directly (or potentially via our formal and informal partner networks).
You may be a fit for an active role that we are looking to fill (see current opportunities), or we can keep you opportunistically informed as specific / targeted type roles come up that are applicable to you (usually not publicized). Whatever may motivate you (whether it be higher level role in responsibility, greater earnings potential, equity opportunity, desire or need to relocate or just a new challenge or company culture).
Often the best time to consider other positions is while you are gainfully employed!
By getting to know you in advance we can better serve as a potentially valuable partner.
We can also offer assistance / advice on your career trajectory, resume and messaging.
Future resources coming (articles, blog...)
All this at no obligation (or cost) to you. Our fees are paid by the employer.
While we can't help everyone, if you are experienced and successful in one of our targeted areas of specialization we want to know about you...
We can provide access to a vast (and growing) network of organizations that we work with directly (or potentially via our formal and informal partner networks).
You may be a fit for an active role that we are looking to fill (see current opportunities), or we can keep you opportunistically informed as specific / targeted type roles come up that are applicable to you (usually not publicized). Whatever may motivate you (whether it be higher level role in responsibility, greater earnings potential, equity opportunity, desire or need to relocate or just a new challenge or company culture).
Often the best time to consider other positions is while you are gainfully employed!
By getting to know you in advance we can better serve as a potentially valuable partner.
We can also offer assistance / advice on your career trajectory, resume and messaging.
Future resources coming (articles, blog...)
All this at no obligation (or cost) to you. Our fees are paid by the employer.